Awards for Kids Do More Than Recognize Efforts or Achievements

For a child, recognition for a job well done can be more important than a trip to their favorite department store. It doesn’t really matter what the award is for, being recognized for a job well done is what matters to them. Common “participation trophy’s” are just that, common. When everyone gets the same award, it’s not special anymore. Zeroing in on a child’s individual achievements is not excluding other children, it’s rewarding a single one that has earned it for making the effort.

One award for a group is fine as far as that idea goes, everyone feels included, and that is important. However, when it includes mention of individual achievements such as hitting that ball the farthest, or scoring on a rival team, the boost in confidence that gives a child is priceless. Getting creative with awards for kids is always worth the time, and often this kind of recognition encourages a better effort in other areas of life.

Rewarding Specific Skills

Not every child is going to be as good as others at certain things and this is normal, but it can also make awards time difficult. A good solution to that problem is simple. Instead of “Most Valuable Player” or “Highest Scoring Player” awards, consider expanding or adding categories that include specific skills such as “Best Outfielder”, “Fastest Ball Retriever”, or “Most Interesting Mascot’s Costume”, etc.

Rewards for specific moments in a sporting event are also a good idea. If a player is able to dodge the opposition by sliding under or jumping over them, why not an award for “Most Nimble Player?” Or even “Fastest Thinker” for running into the stands to catch a ball before it hits the ground or a spectator. One thing is certain, when it comes to sports or any other kind of group event, the possibilities for awards that have genuinely been earned are endless.

Good Attitudes and Humor Should Not Be Ignored

Positive attitudes and humor deserve recognition as much as physical achievements, and presenting an award for either is always a good idea. When a child walks off the field with the losing ream and yet is able to take the loss in stride, that shows character and deserves to be rewarded. Receiving an award for a “good attitude” teaches them that winning may be fun, but losing isn’t the end either.

Maintaining a sense of humor when your team comes out on the losing side at the end of the season is difficult, but not impossible. Depending on the age of team members, as well as their parents’ ability to “take a joke” awards for this category can be very good for boosting sagging morale. As long as the idea is cleared with parents first, adding a good humor category to your awards agenda can be fun for everyone, even when the joke is on them.