Different personalization techniques involved in making crystal awards

Personalizing each different award based upon the type of ceremony and occasion is very important. Once the award trophy or the recognition plaque has been customized and fully designed, there are numerous different types of personalization techniques that are used in order to create a unique, different looking product. Here are some of the most distinctive personalization techniques that are used in differentiating award trophies and recognition plaques from one another:Customization Awards

Sand Etching

One of the most common personalization techniques that are used throughout the globe today, sand etching is done with the help of extremely fine sand which is used to etch out any kind of logo, writing or design on the finalized award. It can easily be in the form of any brand or an embellishment, and is only as good as the designer who is creating the original design. Sand etching is extremely price and requires very high accuracy, and looks excellent on transparent or color filled crystal awards and even on recognition plaques. Depending upon the type of effect that is required by the customer, the grooves can be deeper or shallower.

Chemical Etching

Another very popular personalization technique that is widely used today is the chemical etching. While the results of chemical etching and sand etching might seem relatively similar to each other, there is a major difference between the two. First of all, chemical etching is commonly carried out on metallic surfaces, and is best suited to such surfaces only. Also, chemical etching is usually done by corroding the metal by making use of high precision chemicals in order to create an extremely delicate finish at the end. After chemical etching is finished, different post production techniques can then be carried out in order to create a fine effect.

CO2 Laser

Using a CO2 laser is an excellent option for customers who wish to get a clean and consistent look throughout their award trophies. CO2 Laser is more commonly used for metal as compared to glass, as it results in much less imperfections. The first step is to add in the brand or the logo for processing through the computers, after which the CO2 laser gets to work in finalizing the design and engraving it on the trophy or plaque.

Screen Print

Screen printing is another very popular method of making prints. Usually, a design is placed on a screen made of fine mesh such as silk, while the blank areas are covered with an impermeable substance. Then, the ink is forced through the fine mesh and right on the printing surface. The process is also known as serigraphy or silk screening, because of the fine precision materials that are used. Screen printing is popular because not only is it easy to carry out, the results are also very sharp and vivid. Secondly, it can also be used for a wide range of different colors.

3D Laser

3D laser personalization is an extremely viable technique, and even though it takes a bit of time, the end results are nonetheless amazing. However, the key is to first shade the original drawing in gray, and then imprint them using the laser, as it leaves a majestic imprint in 3D right in the middle of the award trophy or the recognition plaque. The density can be adjusted accordingly based upon the requirements of the clients.

There are a number of other techniques that are used as well, such as water jetting, which provide varying levels of precision and quality depending upon the requirements of the clients, so it is important to first get a clear idea of the final product before proceeding with personalization.